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Our purpose is to build, promote and maintain parks and trails in and around Chilliwack and advocate for physical activity outdoors.  We strive to shape our community into the outdoor destination it has the potential to be.

For information on our newest initiative, please visit:

Little Mountain Preservation Project

We want to acknowledge that we live, work and play on the unceded traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. We honour their prior use, value their voice and strive to learn from their deep cultural knowledge of our shared home.


Field Trips

Field trips are open for Spring 2023!

A day trip for students Grade 2 to Grade 5. 

Students spend the day in the forest hiking, learning about local flora and fauna, creating art and doing centres to reinforce learning.

Yellow Bus

Grade 2 to 5.  Bus accessible.  One or two classes at a time. BUS COST IS NOT COVERED.  

Trail Building

Read about the work our summer trail crew did here.


Community Forest Map

Lloyd Laroche, 17 part of the summer trail crew supported by the United and the City of Chilliwack.

Our partners

Lexw Qwò:m Park

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